
Order of Man

Failures, victories, wins, and losses. We're exploring, uncovering, and unpacking the most valuable life lessons learned from the most successful men on the planet. Conversations include Jocko, Chris Williamson, Ben Shapiro, Dave Ramsey, David Goggins, Tim Tebow, Shawn Ryan, Cam Hanes, Terry Crews, Matthew McConaughey, Adam Carolla, Robert Greene, Ryan Holiday, Mark Manson, and so many more. If you want to learn how to be a better man, we've got you covered.
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May 12, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses three factors that contribute to the isolation  that many men feel and offers five strategies that will help you overcome this loneliness. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.




Factors that contribute to isolation as men

  1. The myth of the “lone wolf”
  2. The world has become overly feminized
  3. People believe there is a lack of other high caliber men


Strategies to help men overcome loneliness

  1. Be an initiator
  2. Do the right activities
  3. Always save one spot
  4. Always be in the networking mindset
  5. Be hyper consistent


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For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

May 10, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Kipp Sorensen take on your questions from the Iron Council and Instagram. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 



(0:00) Episode kick-off

(13:45) How can I encourage my wife to be more intentional and strategic with her actions when dealing with a challenging situation at work?

(25:30) Do you have any experience with or have you interviewed anyone regarding mindfulness meditations?

(26:50) Are you and Brecken going to continue recording the Man in the Making podcast?

(29:50) What do you do when a group outgrows its weakest member?

(38:00) If you could pay for three skills, what would they be and why?

(49:00) Would you recommend getting married and why?

(51:40) How do I deal with emotions or opinions that I cant understand or pinpoint?

(1:05:50) How impactful do you feel that therapy has been?


Battle Planners are back in stock. Pick yours up today!


Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


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May 9, 2023

All of us have heard from men who wonder if it’s too late to start in life. Many of them believe they may have missed the one shot they had to make something of themselves, or they’ve “wasted” too much of their lives. My guest today, Founder of Not Dead Yet, Matthew Vincent, makes the case that it’s never too late to start as long as there is air in your lungs and blood pumping through your heart.

Today, we have an extremely fascinating discussion on so many different topics including several we don’t see eye to eye on. Specifically, we talk about the scarcity vs. abundant mindset, the value of hate and love, the dangers in the “hedonic treadmill,” connecting with others as a powerful motive for overcoming destructive behavior, and the immense liberty found in becoming completely aware of yourself.



  • Hating yourself vs. loving yourself
  • We don’t pick our starting point
  • Pleasure vs. fulfillment and the hedonic treadmill
  • Appreciating the ability to choose our passions
  • People are the solution and the problem
  • Shared responsibility in understanding communication
  • Using and understanding psychedelics
  • Knowing how to use substances as tools to serve you
  • Need to program time to relax
  • Body dysmorphia and transgenderism
  • We need to be able to question things
  • We are responsible for what we expose ourselves to
  • We need to be intentional with how we spend our energy

Battle Planners are back in stock. Pick yours up today!


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May 5, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses why men should be seeking courage rather than confidence and how the pursuit of courage will lead to confidence when going after our goals.  Ryan also offers five steps men can implement to become more courageous. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.




  1. Make a plan
  2. Make a bigger deal out of things that you should
  3. Don’t tie your worth to the outcome of your actions
  4. Surround yourself with courageous people
  5. Practice being courageous


Battle Planners are back in stock. Pick yours up today!


Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

May 3, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Kipp Sorensen take on your questions from the Iron Council and Instagram. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 



(0:00) Show kick-off

(8:00) What is your advice to men top finally take that first step toward conquering the thing that challenges them most?

(20:20) How do I deal with the regrets of wasted time?

(25:00) Do you think the Order of Man and Iron Council is the best way for men to interact and learn from each other?

(30:20) How did you manage working long hours when you were building your side business, while not neglecting fitness and your family?

(38:00) Do you plan to address the specific problems that led to your divorce?

(47:00) Why does nothing I ever do seem like enough?

(53:30) How do you stay consistent with your vision?

(56:20) What should I consider when preparing for a potential strike at my company?

(58:40) What is your current belt color in Jiu-Jitsu?

(59:00) What role do you think religion and faith have in raising children?

(1:01:20) What is the relationship between God’s sovereignty and a man’s responsibility?

(1:06:00) How has going through a divorce changed the way you view other areas in your life?

(1:10:40) How do you not let feelings of resentment and betrayal influence your communication with your ex-wife?

(1:16:40) How are you dealing with the grief of losing your marriage during this time?

(1:18:50) what advice would you give someone who is struggling with self-confidence and what others’ perception of him is?


Battle Planners are back in stock. Pick yours up today!

Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto

For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.

Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

May 2, 2023

I think we can all agree that dating isn’t what it used to be even 20 years ago. With the rise of hook-up culture, extreme feminism, woke ideology, and a general increase in degeneracy today, it can feel impossible at times to find the right woman, let alone start a relationship with her.

My guest today is David Meessen, a dating coach for men, who has helped hundreds of men overcome confidence issues, improve communication, and attract high-value women. Today, David and I talk about the rise in resentment towards women (and how that doesn’t help your cause), why your intent is more important than your tactics when approaching women, how to become verbally agile, showing proof of who you are over your promises, why needs not being met is the single greatest factor in emotional insecurity, and whether it’s better to win over her brain or her heart.




  • Why dating has gotten MORE difficult
  • Why are many guys afraid to approach beautiful women?
  • Most men care too much and hinder their own self-expression
  • You can’t just talk to the best looking women
  • Dating advice for introverts
  • The scientific difference between introverts and extroverts
  • We need to be diligent and patient when choosing our partner
  • You have to be able to disagree with attractive women
  • The importance of finding someone who is aligned with your most important values
  • Knowing when it is better to separate
  • Some women want a kiss on the first date
  • Men need to communicate their personality effectively on the first date
  • Determine incompatibility as quickly as possible
  • Dating is not a “negotiation”


Battle Planners are back in stock. Pick yours up today!


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Apr 28, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses FIVE reasons why every man should consider starting a business and some things you should consider when deciding what kind of business to start.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.



  1. Hedge against risk with current career
  2. Make more money
  3. Tax benefits
  4. Fulfilment
  5. Skill development

Things to consider when looking to start a business:

  1. Look to your strengths:
    • If someone is asking for your advice at something, it’s probably a strength
    • What are you doing when time goes the fastest (Zone of Genius)
    • What would you be doing if money weren’t a concern?
  2. Talk to people about what they are doing for a business
  3. You have to sell something
  4. Implement the feedback


Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.

For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.

Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 26, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Kipp Sorensen take on your questions from the Iron Council. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 



(0:00) Show kick-off

(6:50) Do you have any insights and tips for speaking more smoothly and naturally when podcasting?

(13:20) What practical ways do you find balance, when you are planning, to make sure responsibilities and self growth steps are accounted for while still finding enough buffer time for yourself to avoid burn out?

(16:00) When is leisure/relaxation acceptable?

(33:25) Is there anything you gentleman do that helps you in the morning to stick on task to your schedule or challenge yourself?

(46:15) How do you start to objectively judge and correct your flaws when your inability to do so in the past is the reason it's an issue that hasn't improved?

(56:40) What tips or thoughts would you have on smoothing things out and creating more consistency when my ex-wife and I have different approaches to raising our children?



Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 25, 2023

Failure, setbacks, f-ups, and mess ups are all part of life. It’s just part of the human condition. When most people fail, they choose to stay there. But in failure, there is a redemption story in the works…if you’re willing to make it happen.

My guest today is intimately familiar with failing and getting back in the fight – both literally and figuratively. His name is George Foreman and everyone is likely familiar with him from being heavyweight champion of the world (twice) to his infamous George Foreman Grill. You may not know the rest of the story. Today, George and I talk about the comeback story, his near-death experience and how it changed him, serving in your community and giving others hope, and making the most of second chances.



  • Feeling empty despite success
  • Finding contentment by finding God
  • A change of identity
  • Just be present
  • From street fighter to Olympic boxer
  • Overcoming anger

Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto

Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 21, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses why Satan wants us to be miserable and FIVE strategies men can implement to prepare for this opposition and overcome it.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.




  1. Realize what’s happening
  2. Replace negative activities
  3. Surround yourself with men who stand against it
  4. Evaluate your day
  5. Try again
  6. Have a plan


Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 19, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Kipp Sorensen take on your questions from the Order of Man Facebook Group. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 



(0:00) Show kick-off

(6:25) What are some ways to practice delayed gratifications?

(20:20) What keeps you going from day to day when your routine toward improvement becomes monotonous?

(27:10) Is it ever appropriate to call someone else out in public for being rude to others?

(36:00) What experience do you have with fasting? What benefits have you noticed?

(42:00) What is the best way to deliver unsolicited feedback in the work setting?

(48:40) How do I deal with coworkers having difficult or unruly conversations over chat?

(51:00) What are ways to overcome the fear of failure or the unknown after you get over the initial excitement of getting started?

(59:30) What are some tools lot maintain calm or composure when your children or spouse wife say or do something that irritates you?

(1:04:10) What are some steps to finding homeschool-friendly states with lots of freedom?



Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready


Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 18, 2023

We’ve all heard of Stoicism. But do we really know what it means, how to implement in our lives, and whether or not it conflicts with other doctrine we may ascribe to – mainly Christianity.

My guest today, Brady Pesola, and I strive to answer those questions as we discuss the four cardinal virtues of Stoicism – wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. We also unpack what Stoicism really means (and, contrary to popular belief, it is not the suppression of emotions), how philosophy is the “love of wisdom,” why anxiety is not inherently bad, the power in knowing that others are allowed to feel the way they do, and, ultimately, going to bed a better man than you woke up.




  • The concept of accountability
  • Accountability with your spouse
  • Anxious vs. avoidant
  • Doing the right thing
  • Stoicism and christianity
  • Put your mind in “reason”
  • Intellectual intent
  • Sometimes we misread situations
  • The importance of context
  • Reason and faith
  • Overcoming the dumb things we say
  • Stoicism and the Bible
  • Listening to the philosophy of others


Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto

Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

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Apr 14, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses the importance of being intentional with the sources of influence we allow into our lives and how allowing the wrong things to “poison the well” can have long-lasting, negative consequences.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.




  1. Don’t get wrapped up in the noise and nonsense
  2. Turn off sources of negativity
  3. There is a difference between your emotions and your behavior


Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready


Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 12, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Shawn Villalovos take on your questions from the Order of Man Facebook Group. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 




(0:00) Show kick-off

(5:30) How do you overcome complacency?

(18:30) What are some techniques to gain new client who currently uses a competitor to provide a service?

(28:20) Do you believe psychology plays a big role in economics?

(38:40) How does one show themself grace?

(49:20) How do I have better focus on a task or goal and not overthink?

(55:20) How can I best support my son when his mother (my ex-wife) is not being supportive of his activities and interests?

(1:07:00) How do you explain to people stoicism and being religious simultaneously?



Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready


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Apr 11, 2023

With the proliferation of political and cultural ideologies increasingly permeating many of our favorite companies and brands, it’s becoming difficult to justify spending our hard-earned dollars on companies that do not align with our values and actively work against them.

But you know as well as I do, boycotting only goes so far and, as soon as the excitement and fervor against these companies wear off, most people go back to spending their money on Budweiser, Disney, Gillette, and Netflix to name a few. My guests today, Nicky Billou and Wayne Allyn Root make the case that not only should people boycott these organizations but create alternatives to compete with these companies and hit them where it hurts – their wallet. Today, we talk about racism and the flawed idea of “reverse racism,” something they call, the “Freedom Scale,” for evaluating organizations that align with conservative values, the line between liberalism and leftism, and the power of parallel economies.




  • “Reverse racism” is just “racism”
  • We can no longer not stand up
  • Are we just preaching to the choir
  • Understanding the concept of a “national divorce”
  • Liberal democrat cities are falling apart
  • Building a parallel economy
  • Chinese interference in elections
  • Breaking down the “Freedom Scale”
  • Companies caving to liberal pressure


Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready


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Apr 7, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses five strategies for overcoming challenging situations and shares how he is currently implementing this system to work through his own challenges.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.




  1. Accept reality
  2. Don’t become immersed in the situation
  3. Lengthen the time horizon
  4. Surround yourself with people who offer grace and guidance
  5. Understand emotions, but don’t let them control you


Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready


Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 5, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Shawn Villalovos take on your questions from the Iron Council. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 



(0:00) Show kick-off

(3:40) What can we do to combat the rise of “Peter Pans” (i.e., men who are acting like boys and don’t want to grow up)

(19:30) How do I reconcile maintaining the relationship with my mentor and not necessarily taking all of their advice?

(33:40)) How are you dealing with the “here and now?” What methods are you using on the daily basis to stay on the path?

(44:10) How do you draw the line between comforting a loved one after a loss or setback and rewarding less than ideal results?

(51:30 Do you have any advice or direction for guys looking for intentional/professional help - therapy or life coach?

(1:00:40) What is the best way to handle ultimatums in relationships?



Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready


Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Apr 4, 2023

We all have standards but for most of us, our standards aren’t where they should be and/or they’re not the type of standards that will lead us toward becoming the type of men we have desire to be. And, yet, each and every day, we operate by these standards most of which is subconscious.


My guest today is an incredible performance coach and while that term gets tossed around a lot these days, Ben Newman is the real deal. In fact, he coaches many Fortune 500 companies, is one of the top 50 public speakers in the world, and has helped lead many college and professional athletes to multiple championships.

Today, Ben and I talk about why it’s important you know you’re setting an example to people, how to find what he calls, your “burn,” grabbing your future and bringing it into today, why “your why” is not enough, how to avoid being seduced by success, and, ultimately, how to elevate your standard.



  • Why do we make excuses?
  • We tend to overlook the simple things
  • Be your best one day at a time
  • The importance of coaching
  • You have to do the work if you want to see change
  • The way you do one thing is the way you do everything
  • Be prepared to attack the process
  • Don’t be seduced by success
  • Identifying the right standards
  • Become disciplined, even when you cheat


Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready


Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Mar 31, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses what the Iron Council is all about and what men should look for when building or finding a band of brothers.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.




  1. Systems
  2. Like-minded men
  3. Be around men of courage


Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Mar 29, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Kipp Sorensen take on your questions from the Order of Man Facebook Group. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 




(0:00) Show kick-off

(8:00) How do you get back on your feet after being betrayed by your ex-wife?

(17:30) How do you talk to your kids about suicide?

(25:00) Do you have any recommendations for father-son experiences before my son gets married?

(27:00) How do you stay motivated when it feels like everything around you is falling apart?

(32:00) How do you handle being burned by your church?

(40:00) How do you keep the faith and stay the course that God intends for us when it feels like the deck is stacked against us?

(42:58) What are some tips on how to find your way and add clarity to your vision?

(49:15) How do you repair the relationship with your father when you are the one who wants to repair the relationship but he isn’t willing to?


Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto

For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.

Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Mar 28, 2023

Every single one of us has genius inside of us – some lying dormant for years and even decades. And, with our greatest potential trapped deep beneath the surface of our day-to-day lives, we live as Thoreau famously said, “quiet lives of desperation.” I know from personal experience how difficult and deflating that can be.

My guest today, former rocket scientist and law professor, Ozan Varol, is on the podcast today to talk about how to unlock and awaken the genius buried deep within ourselves. We also talk about the power of going what he refers to as “off-menu,” finding more awe in our lives, the death or our former selves and the birth of a new man, why we all need to exercise a bit more skeptical curiosity, and how to become extraordinary men.




  • Leaving a tenured position in academia
  • If you don’t like the available options, create a new one
  • Know when its time to change course
  • Most people don’t know what they want
  • What served us well in the past won’t necessarily serve us well in the future
  • Don’t get stuck in the self-reflection process
  • Learning from failures
  • Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s end
  • The importance of your inner journey
  • Identifying what makes you unique


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Mar 24, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler discusses the importance of resilience, in all circumstances, and provides FOUR steps to help men become more resilient.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.



  1. Accept our role and calling as men (to protect, provide, and preside)
  2. Realize that people are watching us
  3. “Respond” instead of “react”
  4. Recognize that “struggle” is subjective



Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Mar 22, 2023

In this week’s ASK ME ANYTHING, Ryan Michler and Kipp Sorensen take on your questions from the Iron Council, the exclusive brotherhood of the Order of Man. Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life. 



(0:00) Show kick-off

(10:40) How can I stop “friending” women because its my comfort zone

(16:00) In seasons of challenge, what mindset shifts have happened for you?

(27:40) I am talking to a girl and I found out that she masturbates. Should I continue to pursue her?

(35:50) How can I help someone with an addiction like alcohol, drugs, or pornography without just telling them that “it’s going to be ok?”

(43:10) What is your advice for a kid’s educational pursuits in light of the recent AI revolution?

(48:38) What are some ideas to get parents and students interested in competing in martial arts competitions?

(57:30) What is the difference between calling a friend forward to be “better” or just minding your own business?



Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Mar 21, 2023

You already know everything you need to know to achieve your wildest dreams, or at least get on the path to making them a reality. The only question that remains is whether or not you’ll do it. And, that’s a question that has been plaguing millions of men for a very long time – “Will I do what is required to achieve my desires?”

My guest today, former NBA player and current NBA mindset coach, David Nurse, has made a life out of teaching elite-level athletes, execs, and high-achievers how to move from knowing to doing. Today, David and I talk about hidden roadblocks that keep us from success, the 9 different action archetypes and how to move past what keeps you back, the formula for your own success mission, finding intrinsic value in the work you do, why he considers, “the masses to be the asses,” how to use negative thoughts to your advantage, and the life-changing power of taking action.



  • Where to start on the path to taking action
  • We live in an excuse laden society
  • Uncertainty is an opportunity
  • Find your niche to stand out
  • Focus on the process, not the result
  • How does one become “driven”
  • Being content AND ambitious
  • Alignment with God
  • We take care of the things we value
  • Being comfortable in your own skin


For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Get your signed copy of Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto


Want maximum health, wealth, relationships, and abundance in your life? Sign up for our free course, 30 Days to Battle Ready

Download the NEW Order of Man Twelve-Week Battle Planner App and maximize your week.

Mar 17, 2023

In this week’s FRIDAY FIELD NOTES, Ryan Michler breaks down the definition of a “real man” and discusses the 3 key areas where men should focus.  Hit Ryan up on Instagram at @ryanmichler and share what’s working in your life.




Definition of a man: A real man is an adult male who who is on the path to effectively protect, provide, and preside.


To Protect: A man protects his family, his possessions, and his community

  1. Be on the path to health
  2. Be on the path to defend


To Provide: Provide for basic needs, but also to provide emotional support and be emotionally stable

  1. Be on the path to building skill sets
  2. Keep emotions in check


To Preside: Have a vision and communicate that vision

  1. Lead by example
  2. Get back on the path when you falter


The IRON COUNCIL is now open for a limited time. For more information on the Iron Council brotherhood.


Order Ryan's new book, The Masculinity Manifesto.


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